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Taking up map suggestions


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i have some questions

when u save a .map in the jk2radiant, how do u make it playable in the game (i know its a stupid question)


i think i got the basics down for mapping except for what is actually needed on the map such as info_null and crap....

if someone could help me or show me where to find a tutorial for this subject, that would be helpful


im also taking up suggestions for maps, so if anyone has a suggestion, tell me and ill try to help

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To get it to work, open the map in JKRadiant and then make sure that nothing is selected by hitting escape and then go to the BSP option in the top menu and then select FullVis and you should get a DOS window, wait until its done then close it and go into Jedi Outcast sinlge or MP(depending on whether theres troopers etc and and load a map then bring down the console and type devmap "mapname" without the commas.

Hope that helped.

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