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Help with level 1.. stuck. It's not entering the codes either


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Entering the codes in that huge shaft?? Yeah right! I haven't even gotten there yet.


I can't figure out how to get those damn doors unlocked to the green and red areas. Everything I've read says there are two switches in the 'generator room' that will unlock them, but I'll be freakin' damned if I could find them. I've hit the button to flip switchs in damn near every spot in the room and those doors are still locked.


I've only had this game for a few hours and I'm pissed off at it already. Can someone please tell me where these damn switchs are or take a screen shot of them..?

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In the generator room there is a large map on the wall outlining the blue, green and red areas. Below this are three switches. The blue one is already on (blue is the section you're already in). The green and red are dull. They should light up when you hit the corresponding switches below.

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If you don't like solving puzzles, you'd best take the game back now before you blow an artery in your brain. The entire game is rife with puzzles. Some of the solutions are extremely well hidden. Some of them require you to figure out what to do while you avoid being cut to pieces. The one you are stuck on is actually one of the easier puzzles in the game (though, being the very beginning it is difficult to know what you should be looking for).

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