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Problems with md3view


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Whipped up a quick and very boxy model in Milkshape to see if I could get it into the game.


I figured I'd export it to a md3 from Milkshape, load it into the md3viewer, see if I could get that to export it into a .glm after I got the dimensions... it was a long shot, but I figured I'd try it, having read something similar on the boards. :)


Unfortunately, I'm getting a funky 'Failed on wglCreateContext( HDC hdc )' error, and md3view isn't even launching. Did I do something dumb?


I'm on my Artsy Laptop right now, which doesn't have JKII installed, just some of the files I extracted from JKII to check out in the ModView, and edit. ModView seems to work fine.


Wouldn't wanna break the TOS by installing JKII on here, now, would I? Heh. Could that be the problem?



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