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Haha I have done it!!!!


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I'm in a hurry so I'll make it short.


I have switched the tavion model with a darth maul model (ultimate_maul) and changed some sounds and stuff.

So now, I can have a saberfight against darth maul in single player.

I post some pics later and tell you guys how to do it (if you can't figure out by yourselves).

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Here's the pics (hopefully, I seem to have a problem with uploading pics)








What I did was simply taking SEPTiC CHiLDs exellent skin for Maul called "ultimate Maul" and replaced the tavion model with it.

Then I changed some sounds, and that's it.

The problem is that I can't find any address to submit the mod to.

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After I killed the first ones that came out of the hole, there came no others.


I use that map as a scirmish area.

I turn on notarget, spawn a few enemies and turn off notarget.

It's fun I recommend it.



BTW: I still need that submition address.

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