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Ewoks are pretty much done .... graphics are done sounds are funny.



only thing left is i cant get my bots to get along .... they are supposed to be allies and team up against you


i modeled the bot after the stormtrooper mod where they team up aswell


i have three characters and i want them not to fight each other also they cant fight copies of themselves......




name "Wicket"

model Wicket

color1 5

personality /botfiles/Wicket.jkb

//Wicket is aligned with Logray, Wicket and ChiefChirpa



this is one of my .bot files....could someone help me with this ....as soon as i fix this i can release the .pk3



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Your problem is in the .jkb file itself. There is a spot in that file that tells the bot whom to "get along with," as much as they do (that is, avenge deaths, regret kills, and mourn being killed by -- that kind of thing). This entry you've copied from your .bot file is just for information -- it is commented out, and has no actual effect.


Look in the .jkb you made -- you'll see it.



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I see....sorry for the newbness


Ok then my Emotional attachments are set at 2 ....... if i make it 3 or 4 with the attachment be stronger??


And with these....


chatability 1

chatfrequency 3

hatelevel 3

camper 1

saberspecialist 1


.... the higher then number the more they do it?


Like Chatfrequency 3 or 4 ..will they talk more?


Or Chat ability 3or 4 ... will they so more of what i programmed?


I don't knoiw poop about bots yet .... thanks for help:ewok:

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Don't know.


Saberspecialist appears to be intended as a 1 or 0 affair, but who knows? (well, the developers, but they're not telling!)


Play with them, see what you come up with, and let us all know! You may be the first to discover something!



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