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Clear The Board Of Whiners


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Half the posts in these forums are complaints about


a: Strong stance


b: Guns


c: Grip/pull/drain/push/and all other force powers


d: cheaters (including that kyle/flps2 or whatever skin)


e: Saber combat


f: ctf_ns_streets/ffa_ns_streets (or any other level with a hole in it)


the list goes on... WE DONT CARE... either play the game.. or leave... if you find a cheater in a server.. LEAVE THE SERVER AND FIND ANOTHER ONE... if you encounter a person only using strong stance (and you dont like it) COUNTER IT (oh and if you cant... your an idiot and you probably dont know what strafe left/right is) if someone trys to use drain/grip/pull/push ... ABSORB OR DO IT BACK..... if you notice one person in a server is constantly draining everyone... next time your alive and full force... DRAIN HIM FIRST ITS NOT THAT HARD... if you dont like saber combat??? DONT GO TO A SABER ONLY SERVER... if you dont like guns???!??! GO TO A SABER ONLY SERVER ... theres answers to everything... just like there are counter moves to everything... so you complainers out there.... just leave i hate you all im fed up with your !@#!:trooper: :trooper: :trooper:

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couldn't this post be considered whining?



















































































(was I really the 1st person to think about this, or just the 1st to post it?)

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