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info player start thingo


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does anyone know if there is some key and value u can enter in the info player start item to alter the model that the players starts as?


or some other wasy of doing it with radiant or scripting that doesnt rely on switching the names of files or altering the pk3?



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I don't believe so. The spawn point doesn't hold any of that info, only the location of the start and potentially the items the player starts with. I could be wrong I suppose but I haven't seen a game so far that does that and haven't seen any information for this one that would lead to think it will. Sorry sir. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong

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does that mean that if i wanna release an SP level not starring Kyle i'll have to include a pk3 file that overights the default player model and that will have to be removed every time someone wants to play SP as kyle?



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