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Good Clean Dueling

Joe Vegas

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I think this saber dueling thing is so cool, when I started, and still am a newbie, I couldn't even beat a bot and thought the stocks where to random, although there is some unpredictability, if you play and watch others you WILL learn and it then becomes lots of fun. So all you frustrated newbies keep at it and well your at it watch a lot of moves.

I was afraid I would learn bad habits and wish I had someone to train me, as habits are hard to break, but I mad out pretty good, but don't just go out there swinging or it will become a habit and a losing habit. Better to die trying moves then to luck out and live.

Scarb and Exodus are good clean fighters.

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Nice post Joe Vegas. I agree.


Don't be afraid to try new tactics out, you never know, but you might find a very good counter to something.


If you're not playing on a team, than it doesn't matter. Just make up a goofie name (like I Am training or something) and practice and stuff (this is if you care about your name being associated with a random appearing "good" person). Try out moves, try to fight more reactionary for a bit. Then try and fight more actionary (acting instead of reacting).


Try all the stances, try the various moves of each stance against each other.


Basically, just keep trying and playing and you'll find your niche and own style of playing that you can learn to dominate with.

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Thanks man, Ya sounds good, you have to try new things to become better, I've become good at forward-left-attack, but can't do the "right", so I'm practacing with bots for now and it is frustrating getting killed, but it's like writing with your left hand it's hard, but after a while it becomes second nature. Like I can kill the begger everytime with my regulars but am learning more.

The game is ace, I thought Renegade was fun and itis, but this saber stuff is worth the price already, JK1 was exellent also and ahead of it's time.

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