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help with putting ships in and stuff


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not all the objedts in the game are available for use in JORadiant

does anyone know why?


does u have to edit the sp entities file in the tools folder to include more stuff or what?


i wanna put some ships in my level but they dont seem to be available





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i found a way but dont laugh:D


Open the source map..kejims post and select a misc_model. Copy the models path and load your own map.


Then just select "misc_model" and insert the path from your clipboard...tata..."not the model you want", but you have it.

Then look for the rigth name of the model you want to put it, change the path and now it should work.

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when i try to use the misc model filepath thingo for the model i want it says that it cannot be opened and that errors from this file will be ignored for the remainder of this session.....???


does anyone think it may have something to do with me unpacking all the pk3 files?


is the fact that the models arent compressed into pk3 files confusing radiant when it lookes for them?


dunno much about this stuff just kinda guessing....



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Got no probs with the models here, just inserted the path and it worked.


However, I do have another question. I noticed the train entity also has a model key, I've tried to make an x-wing train, but it won't draw the model, just the brush.. any ideas?

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I posted the answer to this problem in the sticky thread at the top this morning. I had/have the same problem with this and the RTCW editor. The only workaround I can find is to add the model using misc_model. When you get an error it should leave you with a regular sized entity box with the correct title. Go to the bottom of the entity box end remove the part of the path prior to /models/imp_mine/x-wing.md3 or whatever your model's path may happen to be (that is remove the c:/programfiles/lucasarts/starwars etc etc etc.) save the map, close the map editor and reopen it and your full model will be there. Bear in mind that it won't be solid and you'll have to draw clip brushed around it.

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