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Q3/GTK/JO Radiant compared to UnrealEd...


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Hey all...


I'm an experienced UnrealEditor who's thinking about trying his hand in some JO mapping. I found UnrealEd to be a really intuitive mapping tool.. so my question is basically, what are the JO/Q3/GTK Radiant tools like to use compared to UnrealEd ?





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The absolute most significant difference is how you do brushes.


In UnrealEd, the level's universe is "filled", so to speak. Imagine a big wad of clay. To make a room in UnrealEd, you'd carve out a square hole in the middle of the clay. To add things into that room, you'd add clay back in.


In Radiant, it's the exact opposite. You have an infinite void, and to make things you have to add clay to the void. A room would require 6 pieces of clay (4 walls, ceiling, floor) put together into a cube. The inside of the cube is hollow, so you can run around in it, but outside the cube is just void.



It doesn't sound like much but it really is a big difference.

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