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60$ for a crashing game !


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Well here's the big deal, i bought the game like most of you, when it has been available in shops. But what a surprise, when after 5min of game it crashed.....ok i said and i tried again and retried and retried....everytime i play it crashes, sometimes after 5 min sometimes after 1/2 hour, but it always crashes :mad: (yes i've looked through the board before posting my thread)

The most funny is that now, most of my installed games won't work properly !!! (RTCW, MOHAA, SOF2 and Q3 !)

HAHAHAH never seen that before, and believe me, i'm an old hardcore gamer !!!! I'm not fond of lucasart work, but i'm a disciple of Carmack's 3D engine :p All the games using the Q3 engine are crashing now. Lucasart programmers are the best to eliminate concurrence. What are they waiting to make a fix ???

I haven't waited on them, not my custom to leave a crashing game on my HD, waiting gently for a patch. So i decided to try something else, installing a cracked version.....YES !

Guys from Fairlight or Razor1911 can fix everything and they work for 00$, i found the game, installed it, this version has never crashed, some musics and cinematics are ripped, but the rest is the same ! That's not an apology for cracked games, it's just a fact ! We're still waiting on the official fix, and the cracked version of the game works fine..........can we call it serious ?

WTF ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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