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*NEW* nVidia 28.90 Drivers (Leaked)


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There are new beta 28.90 drivers for both Win2k/XP and 98/ME available. Again, they are leaked drivers and should be used as so. So please don't flame me if they don't work. Please post your results here. I have not yet installed them due to the fact that I have an ASUS video card and ASUS released 28.80 drivers just a few days ago so I have them installed instead. I have not had time to test them out either so if anyone has an ASUS brand video card either GeForce 2 or above, please head over to the ASUS website and download the drivers for the v8400 which are the GeForce 4. The drivers will install even if you don't have a GeForce 4, but ASUS is too lazy to place those drivers anywhere else except for the latest card available. Go Figure. Trust me, they do install and will not harm your system...in theory. :D


Anyone who has downloaded and installed either the ASUS 28.80 drivers or the nVidia Detonator 28.90 dirvers please post your results here. Basically if they work or not. Thanks!

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