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Why do I get pull/kicked? Thrown off ledges? WHY WHY WHY?


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This topic has been answered so many times, but I guess they keep scrolling off. Get this concept through your heads:




Given equal skill levels in Push or Pull, if you are standing still, facing your opponent, your push or pull will do nothing to him.


Try it from behind him. Really. Experiment with a friend. Amazing how whether he's facing you makes a huge difference.


For an additional experiment, try push/pull from both front and behind and the side when he is:


1) Attacking with Saber

2) Attacking with Gun

3) Jumping

4) Rolling

5) Getting Up (YES, it's true, you are vulnerable)

6) Using an active force power (Drain, Lightning, Grip)




I'm not the best saber duelist. By far. But I know sure as yoda's a green hairy midget that as soon as my opponent starts a swing, I have the opportunity to knock him on his ass with force push. Now, that doesn't always work - HEAVY saber mode, mid swing, is pretty resistant to push, and pulling a heavy saberist into you mid swing is suicide. But you can wait till the END of their swing... or be really fast at the beginning... and it makes light mode much more effective. There is an INSANELY short recovery time in Light Mode - unless someone is swinging like mad, they'll get a swing and recover posture before you can push them.


"Why do I get pushed off the ledge in XYZ (Falling Level)"


You committed to an attack or movement that left you VULNERABLE to a push or pull. If you ran along the center bridge firing a gun, chances are someone yanked you off. If you jumped (yes, jumped!) chances are someone yanked you out of mid air. If you rolled (which is the hardest to pull/push because it's so fast) chances are someone was just as fast and nabbed you. If you were swinging a saber, chances are you swung and he pulled, and *poof* off the ledge.


"What do I do when someone grips me off the ledge?"


Oh. Christ. For god's sake.


Look. Grip is dependant heavily on their lag and their hand/eye coordination skills. There are people who will swing you off faster than you can blink, and there are people who are so slow that you have time to belt out the star spangled banner BACKWARDS from memory before you get anywhere near a drop. There are two basic counters to it:


Push them before they get you over a drop.

Pull them over with you if they do get you over a drop.


"But they drained me!"


Fully draining someone takes a good amount of force, as well as leaving the person VULNERABLE (there's that word in all caps again) while they're doing it. This game is FAST, but you should have enough time to react (and by that I do mean "get away" at times) to it. If you're being destroyed by two on one odds, I have no help for you. Fighting two on one with FF+Guns is entirely different than one on one.


In closing, learn the game! VULNERABILITY! I hope that this gets through some heads out there. It would be nice to feel that my arrogant rant was justified ;)


- Gaeb :vadar:

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You're right. Different animations are more vulnerable than others. I love the CTF maps with ledges because generally people love to jump around when they have the flag. They don't realize that as soon as you're in the air you are 100% vulnerable to a push/pull.


I've killed sooooo many flag carriers like that.

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My POV on this, Your spot on.


But you may ask why has this happened?. Coming from a 2 and a half year UT Background, in which if you stop for a second you're dead, it is very very very hard to suddenly change gaming mentality to realise you are far less vulnerable (to quote your term) to Force Powers if you stand still

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Great post Gaeb. I wish more people had brains like you and actually thought about what was going on in game before freaking out and saying stupid things. Several times people have called me a cheater and or tried to kick me because I could push/pull them at will. Many people simply have NO clue. It also tends to be the clueless folks who hate bespin and streets. These same people who aren't blessed with many brain cells tend to be the ones who resort to cheating (ya know, the ones always saying WTF, BS, OMFG) because they don't get how skilled players do the things they do and figure they have to cheat to compete. Hopefully lots of folks will read your post.



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I have to agree with TBivo. Great, great post, and, while it is/was hard for me to switch mentalities (from Quake III and Elite Force, no less), I haven't gotten pushed/pulled off the ledges in the past couple of days, purely because I wouldn't jump.


I love it when people try to kick me because I used a push at the end of their DFA or other swings. And I also love how you point out the advantage of the quick stance in this regard :)


- Twitch

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I know your reading this and Said I didnt do any of this and I still got pushed or pulled. Well, Here is why and I have to explain this on every server I go on....


I count how much another person pulls or pushes me. I know when thier Force Power is low. If thier force power is LOW they "CANNOT BLOCK" a force pull or push not matter how still they are standing. I usually count the # of times a person tries to push, pull me and then, knowing that they are LOW on Force Power I move in for the kill, at this point they are a sitting duck. If you see me on a server please dont call me lame, just ask me the counter and I will tell you. A lot of people dont realize this, but this is the reason. It is possible to block force pull and push totally, but you have to practice and watch your force powers.


The best way to use push and pull is in tandem with the jumpkick. also for some odd reason if you jump diagnally from you oppenent it tends to make them attack (I wouldn't but many people do) and this is the perfect time to use some pull. I get people 9 out of 10 times with this in CTF NS STREETS

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