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Keep getting JAN ORS DIES in Green section of first level


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PLease help!! I am a newbie and I keep getting a message that Jan Orrs is dead in the first level. Is their a time limit? Is there a sequence of events? Do I need to go back and grab her? I am so frustrated!!!!!!!!!! As soon as I enter and try to go through the green section I get this message about 5-10 minutes later.

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One of your jobs is to make sure Jan stays alive.


When you hear that she's going to come and join you, head back the way you came and meet up with her...


It's YOUR JOB to make sure she comes through everything alive.



You've been letting her get killed by Stormtroopers and Remnant scum! You brute!



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When I start a new game even the subtitles are not functioning correctly. They fly buy really fast. I have tried to set the sound to low and it does not change the problem. All of the sound effects work fantastic, but the cinematic sound and conversations are not working. I get an error refering to "video/jk0101"

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