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Dodging!!!!!!! how do you do it?


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What about dodging in Single player. I know it's possible, I've done it once. It was automatic, as mentioned, but it was ONLY that ONE TIME. Obviously, you don't get force seeing. I can stand out in the middle of Nar Shaddaa all and day and get killed every single time because Kyle can't dodge the stupid disruptor shots from Rodians. And yet, I KNOW it's possible. But my question is, why doesn't it ever happen but once in a blue moon?



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It has to do with your crosshair and how much force you have and the level of it. You have to have setforceall 3 (or higher...works better the higher number you have) and you have to have 50% in force in your meter. Everydodge takes 50% of your force. If setforceall is set to 3 then you have to have the enemy in your crosshair and your character should dodge.


This does not work all the time but most of the time. Somthing that also helps make it work more often is to press shift or what ever key you have bound to walk/run toggle. Default is shift. But anyway, pressing shift just before the enemy fires and having him in your targeting reticle greatly increases the chances of dodging fire. You can dodge shots from front, back, and your sides. Again, the higher your force leves are, the better your chances of dodging are and from behind, sides, and front.


That help?


~-Lord Darkblade-~

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