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Best Keyboard setup?


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I'm playing around with different keyboard setups to see what I'm most comfortable playing with, especially in multiplayer. I often find that I can't get to certain commands (usually force powers) quick enough. I have to think about where they are, instead of just instictively hitting the button.


Currently, I have the directional keys control movement, with left and right having been changed to strafe. Control is grip, shift is push, "Ins" is lightening, and "End" is jump. It's not too bad, but I figure there's better. What do you guys use? Thanks.

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I have used this config for every FPS game since I used to play Doom2 on BBS's in my local area...on my 14.4 modem, because it was cutting edge technology. Anyways, I like it because my left hand stays on the left side of the keyboard and my right hand stays on the mouse...and it's VERY easy to maneuver after you've gotten used it...but then again I've been using it for many years..just had to add some keys :)


Mouse2 = forward

Left Alt = back

Z = strafe left

X = strafe right

shift = walk

space = jump

C = crouch

Mouse1 = primary fire

Left Ctrl = alt fire

G = use

Q,W,E,R,A,S,D,F = force (however you want..I believe 8 is enough hotkeys for force power)

Mousewheel = whatever you like


When I play with this config, I have my pointer finger on the X, middle finger on the Z, thumb on alt, pinky and worthless finger on the left shift, and use pinky for Left ctrl, too, if you need. Thumb for jumping(space) primarily, unless you want to backflip, then you use your pointer finger, which may feel awkward to you but I'm very used to :) Also, this requires that you are familiar with the layout of your keyboard, so you can find QWERASDF without looking...but if you know how to type, this shouldn't be too difficult, just have to get used to hitting them with one of your pointer or middle finger only. Hm, I hope this post was coherent :(

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Jedith, L1T3 J3D1 4 LYF3!!!


W/S = forward/back

A/D = strafe left/right

CTRL = Crouch

SHIFT = walk

Q = heal

E = absorb

F = push

R = seeing

Z,X = toggle force

C = use current force

space = alt. attack

mouse1 = primary

mouse2 = jump

mouse3 = stance switch


that's it....

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My Keyboard setup....


W = Forward

S = Backwards

A = Strafe Left

D = Strafe Right

F = Use Force Power

E = Use

Q = Next Force Power

Shift = Walk

Control = Saber Stance Switch

V = Spawn Luke

B = Spawn Jedi Jan

N = Spawn Jedi2

M = Spawn Jede Trainer

, = Spawn Jedi

G = Spawn Desann

H = Spawn Tavion

J = Spawn Reborn Boss

K = Spawn Reborn Force User

L = Spawn Reborn Fencer

: = Spawn Reborn Acrobat

O = Begin Recording Demo

P = Stop Recording Demo

T = Spawn Stormtrooper

Y = Toggle notarget

U = Spawn Rebel Trooper

I = Spawn Stormtrooper Commander

= = Change POV

Insert = Play Sail Barge Assault Music

Home = Duel of the Fates Music

PageUp = Captain Panaka and the Queen's Protectors

End = Qui-Gon's Noble End

Delete = The Imperial March

F5 = Timescale .3

F6 = Timescale .5

F7 = Timescale .75

F8 = Timescale 1


Nuff said.

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Mine may not be the easiest to use, but:


Main binds:


W, S, A, D - forward, backward, left, right

Q - Previous Force Power

E - Next Force Power

R - Force Push

T - Secondary Fire

F - Use Force Power

SHIFT - Secondary Fire

\ - Force Protect

Z - Previous Weapon

X- Use Item

C - Next Weapon

V - Force Heal

SPACE - Switch Saber stance

G - Use

[, ] - inventory

Enter - Use inventory item




Y - taunt

U - Chat

I - Team chat


INS, HOME, DEL - Chat menu scripts (teamplay)


END, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT - load ingame modelviewer and adjust angles


/, *, -, + - various inventory items


Numpad numbers - Bind to chat scripts (teamplay)

H, J , K ,L , N, M, ',', '.', '/' - Bind to chat sayings

Numpad 0 - Lag meter


PGUP - Light Side Force Bindings

PGDN - Dark Side Force Bindings


Mouse Left - Primary Fire

Mouse Middle - Crouch

Mouse Right - Jump


Just about every key has been used :D


I find it works pretty well, but the bindings for Secondary fire are irratating me. Unfortunately because the rest work well, I've got nowhere convenient to put it. Need a four button mouse methinks :)


Moved the T bind for Chat, as everynow and then I'd go to use Force Push and end up chatting instead :D

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E,D,S,F = general movments

Space: Jump

C: Crouch

Mouse 1: attack

Mouse 2: alt attack

Mouse 3: Stance

R: Push

W: Pull

Q: Speed

A: Absorb

G: Challenge

3: Heal

4: Protect

2: Taunt

1: Deignite/ignite saber

Z,X: Cycle Force

L. Shift: Use Force


even though i hated Tribes 2, its movement keys seemed far superior to the WSAD sceme.

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