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Looking at Lando


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I have destroyed the guns that are across from where Lando is now standing next to a console which is located one level below. What do I have to do now I can not figure it out. I have tried all kinds of jumps and walking all ove the map. I also hve tried blowing doors open which does not work HELP.

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Remember that room with all the turrets in the cieling?, then the Weequays, then the Rodians? Go back there, go up to Reelo's office and press the button. That will open the cells and let Lando out.

If you search the office, you will find a secret area which is actually a secret shortcut back to the cells.

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Uh... I don't think Lando is still in the cell at this point. I believe you are looking for the controls to open the hangar doors so you can get the Lady Luck out, right? If so.... (SPOILER)

















Go over by the guns that were pinning Lando down. There's a door there that leads around to the other side of the turret. From the round platform (looks like a heli-pad to me) jump up to the turret room. I believe the hangar door controls are in there (I could be wrong about that).

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Originally posted by supergrimjack

I have destroyed the guns that are across from where Lando is now standing next to a console which is located one level below. What do I have to do now I can not figure it out. I have tried all kinds of jumps and walking all ove the map. I also hve tried blowing doors open which does not work HELP.


This is before you actually get to the Lady Luck...Lando was pinned down below a couple of Sentry guns. You took out the guns, Lando said thanks...


What you have to do from here is to jump up to the 2nd level of the tower that held the Sentry guns. You do that from the round platform in front of that tower, the one that had the Gran tossing Thermal Detonators at you. You should be able to leap up straight to the platform that those Sentry guns were on.

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