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making models solid


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I haven't tried it in JK2Radiant, but in EF, there was a misc_model_breakable, that had the option to make it solid.


Other than that, there's no way to make a misc_model automatically solid. Best thing to do is make a bounding box for it out of something solid and invisible. Like 'cushion', which I think is 'system/cushion' in JK2.

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i just pick the model i want from the directory and then change the directory structure that it comes up with so that its starts with



instead of c:/programfiles/lucasarts.....blah blah blah


wont putting a brush around it make it have a big box around it?


radiant is wierd...




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That's why you apply the 'cushion' shader to the brush. It won't appear in game, but it will be solid. It's called a 'bounding box'. It's the easiest way, but it's not totally accurate. say you have a tree model. If you put one big 'cushion' around it, and it's as wide as the branches, even down at the base, it'll be strange, and won't allow you to run right next to the trunk. Get it?


so you can always use multiple brushes to roughly mimic the shape of the model.


And, if you want it to stop the player, but still be shot through, use the 'system/clip' texture instead.

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Yes...you should only use cushion when you want to make a brush that will give the player a place to land where he won't take any damamge. Using clip isn't quite right either, because the clip shader will not block blaster shots and such, so you'll be able to shoot through things. Instead you should use the shader called physicsclip, which will provide collision for players and for weapons. Also, in many cases you won't want to build a simple box around your model because the collision won't conform to the shape. You'll probably want to build an approximation of the model's shape out of physicsclip brushes. Yeah it's a bit of a pain, but it's what we did for things like the Imperial shuttle, the TIE Fighter, the Cloud Car, the big vane things in bespin_undercity, etc.


Oh yeah, one other thing...


If you check the spawnflag for making a misc_model_breakable solid, you will get a bounding box for it that's perfectly rectangular. So keep this in mind when you use them...



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