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Enabling dismembering without unbalancing the game?


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What would be the choice to insititute dismembering without making the sarbe itself more powerful in single player mode?


I've seen several posts that enabling g_saberRealisticCombat "0" to: 1, 2, or 3 makes the sabre more powerfulo and unbalances the game.


So how to enable dismembering without increasing the sabres power?

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Isn't the sheer visceral thrill of dicing enemies like turnips enough to compensate for a little unbalancing?



Since the g_saberrealisticcombat variable makes saber hits to the models limbs etc. sever them, it has to make the saber more powerful, there's no way around it. Especially in duels. I bind a key to cg_saberrealisticcombat 1 and another to set it back to 0. That way I can turn it on and off (and the carnage) at a whim.

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You can always do what I did.


Edit the npcs.cfg and go through it character by character, increasing the dismemberment probability to something more reasonable (and realistic for that matter). I think the average dismemberment probability I have for most of the characters is something like 30-35%, depending on the bodypart as well.


The game is MUCH more enjoyable for me now. Hope that helps.



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Wow Green I never thought you could do that, or considered it(probably because it would take way too much time) Think I could get a copy of your npc.cfg to see it in action?


--------> Yeah WolfKnight :) you can upload a 70x70 pixel image as an avatar.

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As far as I know, g_saberrealisticcombat 1 doesn't make the game any less ballanced. Your 'saber still does the same ammount of damage it does without the cheat. The only difference is that when an enemy's hitpoints are drained to zero, whatever your lightsaber touches, it dismembers. With 1 activated, your nuetral blade DOESN'T HURT FRIENDLY NPCS. Try it. Walk into friendlies with your blade. It'll sort of look like you're hurting them, but their hitpoints don't drain.


g_saberrealisticcombat 3 is the one-hit-kill that unbalances the game. And nuetral blades kill everyone - including friendlies.

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I gotta disagree with you on that one Wes Jansen. Ever tried it in a saber duel with an npc? Heads have a habit of rolling. One touch with a saber and reborn go down holding a burning stump and when I fight Tavion she neatly slices me in two... laughing.

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I've compared 0 and 1. There is no difference when you fight an enemy. On 0, I've taken out Reborns with one good, clear swing from Medium.


I've faught against Tavion on both 0 and 1. I tested out the ol' hold-up-with-choke-throw-saber combination, and she went down in the same ammount of time on both 0 and 1. I basically had to do the combo twice before she was finished.


And my name is "Janson", not "Jansen". ;-)

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Look in the mod sections of the files database here...There is a mod that enables dismemberment WITHOUT changing the damage characteristic of the saber....All it is is a new npc.cfg file which changes the dismemberment variable to 100...This increases the probability of dismemberment upon a saber kill...The file is enyak_mutilate.pk3....THAT is what you want to use if you don't want to change the damage characteristics of the saber.

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If you want to have dismemberment enabled, without the saber slicing up people just by walking up to them, you need to do this.....


g_dismemberment "3"

g_dismemberprobabilities "0"


This will dramatically increase the odds of dismemberment.


I use this setting in conjunction with the blood patch.

Works great!



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Originally posted by Saberwolf

Wow Green I never thought you could do that, or considered it(probably because it would take way too much time) Think I could get a copy of your npc.cfg to see it in action?


It doesn't take much time at all. Just open it with Notepad and go down the list. Will take you maybe 5-10 minutes if you do every single character. All you're doing is changing numbers.


If you want mine, post your email and I'll shoot it over.



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If you want to have dismemberment enabled, without the saber slicing up people just by walking up to them, you need to do this.....


g_dismemberment "3"

g_dismemberprobabilities "0"


This will dramatically increase the odds of dismemberment.


I use this setting in conjunction with the blood patch.

Works great!


Thanks for the info. There's nothing more annoying than when a stormy runs towards you and impales himself on your saber.

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And more power to you! And if you want to play that way then by all means do so! Goes for anybody else. But point is that it DOES change the way the damage is computed for the saber thereby CHANGING the default gameplay. So IF you want to enable dismemberment WITHOUT changing gameplay then there are better options than the "Realistic Saber" command. On the other hand if you don't care that it changes the gameplay then use that command.

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Does anyone know if there's a statement from Raven on the effects of g_saberRealisticCombat 1 vs. an edited npc.cfg file? I just finished the sp game using the former method, and I couldn't tell any difference between when I had it set at 1 or 0. Well, aside from the body parts flying around. I mean, I couldn't see any difference in difficulty.


It seems to me that there's no logical reason that simply increasing the damage power of the saber (if that's what "g_saberRealisticCombat x" does) would cause npc models to dismember more often. I would kill the npc's quicker, but whether they dismember would have to be controlled by another factor.


Unless maybe the command invokes the GHOUL system that Raven created for the SoF series and is supposed to have incorporated into JK2. Is that what it does? I can see how activating a location-based damage system would make melee combat easier, at least when fighting trooper with nothing but guns.

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