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EUREKA!!! Assimilate & Carcass mistery cracked


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Ok i've figured out Assimilate and Carcass for compiling GLM models.


Extract the _humanoid.gla file from the assets0.pk3 file.


Carcass apparently doesnt like long filenames, so create a "base" folder on the root of your disc.


Then move the "models" folder containing the _Humanoid.gla to that "base" dir you just created.


You need to have a XSI model... move it to the X:\base\models\player\Y\ folder -> Xbeing the Drive and Y being the character name folder


copy the _humanoid to the Y folder


Also move the carcass.exe to the base folder or root... it doesnt matter. (dunno if it's necessary but I'll say so anyway)


Then open Assimilate. Go to EDIT and then Preferences. insert the file Paths for carcass.exe and the base dir(leave this one empty if the filepath is repeated - You'll get an error message saying that the file cannot be found if it does repeat)


Go to FILE and select Add file and select the _humanoid.gla in the Y folder.


Double click on the folder icon that appears below and selct "remove duplicate verts" and "make ef1-type .skin" then click ok


Go to file and save on the Y folder... it will create a .CAR file


Make sure than in the Y folder you have 3 files before compiling, and those files must have these exact names.





Then click on Build.


VOILA...you have a GLM model.


PS: I only managed to make this work on the XSI files that came with the tools. I didn't manage to do the same for my Fett model.

Still on it. I'll post more if i Crack that mistery as well.


If anyone else has already uncovered this mistery before i post this thread... Damn you for making me burn my brains :p


Update: A model from scratch MUST be assigned to the bone structure. Which is basically what me and SithLord-II are working on. After we get it done we will compile a tutorial on how to do the whole thing.

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Well i still have to figure out what goes wrong with 3ds max built from scratch models.


I can't add my Fett model yet.


Dunno if it's a total model Screw up.. or simply there's still some work to be done with the model before i can do the glm compiling.


Well...at least it allows us to edit the Kyle and stormtrooper XSI's that come with the tools.


If anyone has any leads regarding built from scratch models lemme know ASAP.

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Well... sithlord and I were looking into things and it seems Sith has got a pretty good theory on how it works... and it's pretty damned complicated.... it's gonna take a while.


Hope our models can still be of any good and not complete duds. Sith thinks we can still do it. Just gonna take the time needed to figure out that part.

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GAH! I'm getting "Error: Vert (63) on mesh "Cube_05" has no weights", even though I've given all the verts a weight... Though I can't find the bloody Vert 63 to check if it has a wheight :swear:


Does anyone know how to specify a specific Vert to be selected? As I don't really want to go through over 1400 verts to find it...

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Thanks god, I thought I was an idiot for not being able to get my custom model to convert correctly. Damned errors!


Also a thought -- I am new to modelling, so I have been experimenting with existing md3 models trying to see how the tools work. As far as doing the modelling from scratch -- does anyone know a good place to find tutorials? Just to get my feet wet. I have basic ideas for modifying existing models, but need good references for creating things from scratch - right down to creating bones...


Yes, I know, I am a noob to it, and if someone says RTFM I am gonna go postal. I am using Gmax due to money constraints.


Also -- I noticed that there is a way to convert an md3 to glm - but I could not seem to get the animations to stick -- and when I try to get that to work - it gives me errors about the md3 only being allowed to have 1 frame...


I guess what I need is for someone to write up complete tutorials on what each of the tools do, and how to get them to work... (mainly for modelling, I don't care about JOradiant)


i.e. what is the deal with Assimilate? 1) does each model HAVE to have an XSI file in order to be able to compile it? I can compile the included Kyle model, but without the proper software, how am I supposed to get an xsi for all my models?

2) if it is not necessary to use Assimilate.exe to compile a custom model - how to you make that model use the _humanoid.gla default animations using something else like md3view.exe? I was able to get an md3 into gla format - but like I said - no animations were attached to it... hmmm....


Damn them Raven boys for releasing tools without giving us an idea how to make them work!


-addition- also - I seem to remember them saying some time ago that they would be releasing tools that would let us use custom models AS WELL AS EDIT EXISTING GLM MODELS... sooo how exactly are we supposed to get these damned glm models editable? I want to have a Jan model without all that extra stuff (jacket, etc...) and can't do anything to make it work without having a way to convert exiting glm models out to another format, or at elast have a tool that allows us to import glm into gmax or otherwise...

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i am having the EXACT SAME ISSUE as him:( im a n00b to modeling and im no were near good enoguh to make my own i do however have many ideas and the abilitys to alter existing models i would absoluly love to hear answers to octavius' quesiton coz ive asked a few times and i havnt heard any results and really realyl wann know:(

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We can only work with what we got.


Wait for more releases.


The way to use assimilate is I described above. I too am stuck on editing the kyle and stormtrooper xsi that come with the tools.


When I find out more.. I'll post a complete tutorial.

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Guest seantree

wonder what exactly the "makes own skeleton" option does when double clicking the gla file?? man, these tools with no docs really sucks.

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Managed to get a model in the game, sort of. Look at this to see what I mean.


As you can see, the origin is just a "little" screwed up at the moment. I'm trying to get that to work now. This isn't a full blown new character, I'm using the testG2Model command, but at least it's in the game. Oh, and for those that are curious, I only used the bottom half of the model, so that I wouldn't have spent hours rigging the model to the skeleton.

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Yeah, I used plain bones and the skin modifier. It was a trial and error process of getting the model to compile with assimilate and carcass. I'll be writing a guide that shows what I did in the not so distant future. But I have a feeling that it'll be a general process and can't cover every error that carcass throws our way, as I haven't seen them all yet I'm sure. If you want, I can walk you through the process of what I did and see if that works for you, that way I can make sure it works and then have a tutorial that has someone else's thoughts as well.

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Well... i went for the easi(er) route to edit a current model (shadowtrooper) and well, i got it to be in assim. but i can't figure out how to make sure everything is there, i added nothing, just point moved some stuff. and when i makes it, it looks like kyle, is there a specifiv xsi or _humanoid for it? cause i can't find one and am quite confused



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