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EUREKA!!! Assimilate & Carcass mistery cracked


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do NOT put _humanoid in your folder. put it in _humanoid.

that is where all our models will be looking for it and it's where your's should too. Otherwise you'd have to send your _humanoid.gla with your model and you don't want to do that.

I actually had it in the tools pack for a while, but it bloated the package by 9 MB. Look in the skinning instructions for how to extract _humanoid.gla.


sorry i didn't have time to write any guides or anything else aobut this for tools release1. (It was only intended to be for map editing) But since it took so long to get approved, i figured i'd just throw the modeling stuff in as well.

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Well. I tried something simple. I imported the Kyle XSI model into 3DS Max 4.2. I just added a sphere to kyles head to see if I can get any model edits into a glm. No luck. I get the same error "Vert 1 on Triangle has no weight". It's pretty obvious this wont be easy, especially for the Fett model. I'll keep working, check the Q&A and let you know if I can get anything to work. Good Luck Bloodriot. I can't wait to see this guy working.

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easiest way to deal with this: ie. what blood and i have had to do for our models


1)create model, properly sized and posed, as well as named properly (head, torso, torso_waist, etc etc... see kyle for examples... heh)

to properly size and pose it i imported kyle's XSI, deleted his mesh, then superimposed my mesh over the skeleton and tags for kyle's mesh


2)apply skin modifiers to each part of model, in order to attach the model to the bones. i recommend applying a base, flat texture to the mesh when doing this(even if you already have a full texture made, use a flat text then reapply the finished one) in order to see the weights, in solid rendered mode, not wireframe.

Add bone, edit envelope, then paint weights will do the trick. Stuff that is blue is unassigned, red is completely assigned, yellow orange etc is mixed weighting between bones.


3)apply tags etc to model as well - see kyle files for examples, i'm just using the already-made ones from kyle's root.xsi files.


4)export the model from 3d studio into XSI format, into the _humanoid.gla folder (or in the end, whichever folder will house your custom animation set, in order to apply that skeletal animation set to the mesh.)


thats to get started.

If you don't have the skin modifier applied, completely to every vertex on the mesh, including tags, caps, and mesh parts, you will simply get an error in assimilate/carcass

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