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How to add music into JKRadiant


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Select any normal brush, and bring up the entity info (N key) Then, give it the key 'music', and the value that is the path to your mp3 file. If that doesn't work, try the key 'sound', but I think it's music. And the path sould be 'base/sound/etc', not 'C:\program files\etc'


That's all from memory, and mine is not very good...


Where am I!?!

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  • 8 months later...
Originally posted by FunClown

Omikron I just found out on one of my own threads that worldspawn does this.


Click on n one or two times. Then add the value for music there. You can look at the bespin.map or kejim.map example.


Please tell me where i can find the bespin.map file. I have been looking for it everywhere and i cant find it.


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