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Saved Games Needed


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I was going to say that I could e-mail you one but I don't know how large they are or how well they'd zip. I have broadband.


I'd like to help. I myself had a hard drive disaster when I was about 3/4 thru Deus Ex. Not a single one of the people on the DX forums would send me a save game. I ended up using cheats to get where I was but it was never the same. All the skills and abilities were different no matter how I tried to "cheat" them. Playing the game just wasn't the same. Well, needless to say, I never found out how the game ended.


BTW, I'm playing on Master difficulty setting. If you're not, then you probably can't use my save games.


And if by chance you can use my save game I could always burn it to you and send it. I ordered 50 CD-Rs and the company mistakenly sent me 500 without charging me extra. Amazingly, this happened just as the company went out of business.

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Hey, I know how to fix it

i got the same problem too

i have voodoo3 3000 and crashed when the game loads bespin level

but now i know how to solve it


here's how :

save your game before u start shooting at reloo baruk

when u've taken care of baruk,

quickly hit esc to access the video options

change one of the settings, ie. geometric : low/med/hi

do whatever changes, and then apply it

resume the game, wait for the cutscene

the game will load perfectly now


the idea is to change video options BEFORE the game starts to load the next level


this trick works too with game crashes when attempting to load save game in the middle of the gameplay

i got this problem too before, and i've tried the this trick and it works

now the game is fine:biggs:

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