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Server Statistics / Status


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I'm looking for a script that will output HTML statistics such as players, pings, frags, and the map being played. I saw something like that on the news about a month back, which is no longer there. I'm looking for something similar to http://quake****.com/status/jk2stat.cgi?jk2.quake****.com:28070 . Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.


EDIT : I cant believe it did that.. replace the **** with the letters s-h-i-t.

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Originally posted by tubesock

You are more than welcome to use the ones at QS (planetqs.com for the word filter)...


I have several sites that use the q3stat.cgi, and if people want to use the jk2stat.cgi, go ahead and link it up.


http://www.planetqs.com/status/jk2stat.cgi?<ip address>:<port>






Is it possible to get of the actual CGI file itself?


Thanks in advance



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I did this with qstat and q3mon.


If you're intested for a look:




The bottom of the page has a link to the appropriate files:








If you are interested in sbqmon.pl just holler and I'll happily email it to yah. I just messed with it to pick up the color scheme I wanted and be a little more jk2-specific.

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