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I have created my first BOT and can select it form the multiplayer menu.


The problem is that when I select it as an opponent it loads the default model (reborn) from the model.glm file used without my skins but with the character name I gave it.


I triple checked everything and it still won't work.



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You have checked the specifics in the .bot file, right? The first line gives the bot it's name (i.e. TK-421), the next line specifies the skin to be used (i.e. stormtrooper).


If you made a new skin and left it in the Reborn directory, then make sure you specify it completely -- your .bot can't just say to use the skin 'reborn,' it must say 'reborn/newskin' instead.


Hope this helps.



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This is the contents of my bot file in the scripts folder



name "Ninja"

model Ninja

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Ninja.jkb



The paths in my pk3 file are:


model/player/ninja/..image files





I just can't see what's wrong and its killing me.



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Tried your suggestion Red Devil but it is still not working, I sent you the pk3 file, let me know how you get on.


Thanks to everyone who replied, but please keep the suggestions coming if you think of anything else.


Now back to pulling out a few more hairs.



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Tried your suggestion Red Devil but it is still not working, I sent you the pk3 file, let me know how you get on.


Thanks to everyone who replied, but please keep the suggestions coming if you think of anything else.


Now back to pulling out a few more hairs.



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Bot file should like like this..



name "Ninja"

model (Your model)/default_(Your name)

color1 3

personality /botfiles/ninja.jkb



model should refer to the skin file in the path below.


model/players/(Your model)/model_default_(Your Name).skin


This works for the single default model, not sure about the blue and red models as I haven't tried it yet.


Thanks to Red Devil and JediMouse for your suggestions and also Cassius_Bloodraven the author of "The_Black_Wolf" Bot that I canibalised to crack this problem.


Keep spreading the love around.


Be slashing you soon.

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I compared Red Devil's fix to my own and noticed the following:


The structure of the pk3 file is as follows:


models/players/ (The name of your model) e.g. reborn


In the reborn directory you will have the model_default.skin file.


If you rename the reborn folder to a name of your choice that is not already taken like "Frank" there is no need to rename the model_default.skin file.


The line referring to the model in the Bot file will then be:


model frank (Frank being the name of the folder in the model/players folder)


But if you did not rename the model e.g. (model/players/ [reborn folder]) the skin file should then be renamed to e.g. model_default_frank.skin.


In this case the model reference in the bot file will be:


model reborn/default_frank


reborn being the name of the model (model/players/[reborn]) and default_frank referencing the model_default_frank.skin file in the model/players/[reborn] folder.


I hope this helps someone, and I'm pretty sure that this is it. If it is not fill me in.



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