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Skins for multiplayer (internett)


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Well I'd just like to know if theres anyway to use the skins ive downloaded in multiplayer on the internett (when i'm not creating my own server)

If theres only some skins u can actualy do this with, plz tell me where to find this for obi wan ep1

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Which is why skins are an overal pointless excercise. Download and install as many as you want, but there is a very tiny chance that the server you will play on will have your skin. This will hold even more true now that the SDK is out and the community will start releasing skins in abundance.



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Which is why skins are an overal pointless excercise.


This is not completely right. Imagine the community makes some really fabulous skins.

Raven would be stupid if they wouldn't include them in a kind of a Service Pack or Update.

So maybe all the Skinning and mapping is not completely useless ;)

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Originally posted by Raynaga

Which is why skins are an overal pointless excercise. Download and install as many as you want, but there is a very tiny chance that the server you will play on will have your skin. This will hold even more true now that the SDK is out and the community will start releasing skins in abundance.




No not usesless if you are talking about people running custom non-dedicated servers themselves. Problem is that LucasArts says that non-dedicated servers don't show up on the Internet list because they didn't want them to!! But to be able to join servers that might have the skins we need to have non-dedicated servers show up on the list.

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We'll have to wait for these huge skin packs. There are some very talented skinners out there--- Al McDonald for one. They'll just compile a huge kicka-ss skin file, and everyone will use that one file.


You know... with all the good skins in it...






And so on.




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