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First off I need playtester for a map I'm working on. Right now basically learning the tools (first time editing stuff) well I have a basic map used as my learning map and I want to see if its a fun map to play on. Right now its a Saber Duel map only (cause that is what I play the most)


Second thing, I think we should make a list of people who would like to beta test maps and mods. That way us creators can go to one place and find people willing to test out maps and stuff. So add yourself to this thread if you are willing to be a lab rat and test out maps and stuff.



Awol (AIM: awol1010)

p3 750

384/512 MB of ram (home/work)

GeForce2/ATI Raedon (home/work)

Cable/T1 (home/work)



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I would be happy to offer my hand to other editors. I want to make sure that this community gets the best maps and mods ever! I will Beta Test until I can't Beta Test no more!


Computer Stats:


PIII 733

512mb Ram

16mb VooDoo3 (Getting a new one... Don't worry)



Contact me by email, @ jamesafrench@shaw.ca, or ICQ, @ 8351278, or MSN Messanger, @ icamp007@hotmail.com .


Hope to play your maps!

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