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I think you have to find an elevator which leads downstairs to a large platform with a few imperials, one of them carries the security key for upstairs, from that platform go up on an elevator then there will be another elevator on that platform which leads to again another platform to go to the room which contains the locked security door.



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I believe you're confusing Bespin_Streets with Bespin_Platform. There is a platform with a Cloud Car, an elevator, etc as you described earlier on Bespin_Streets at the very end. Bespin_Platform is where Tavion's ship is docked. There is only one elevator on this level, and it goes up to a control room. The locked door referred to leads out onto the platform where Tavion awaits. So, he needs to flip the switch in the control room mentioned above in order to get the door open. When you open that door, a bunch of Stormies come pouring in. So, you kill them and you're off to fight Tavion. Bespin_Platform is one of the shortest levels in the entire game, so they kinda run together.

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I'm lind of confused as to where you are. Bespin_Platform has 2 doors that I know of that require Security Keys. One is to the control room upstairs. You get that key from the Officer in that room with the wierd-shaped containers. Actually, he is in a small room off to the side of the big room. I think you've found him. The other is near the entrance to the level. This key will come off an Officer that comes through the big door near the aforementioned room where you got Key #1. Now, to open that big door (to unlock it), stand at the entrance to the control room upstairs. Now, walk through the door and look at the panel on the left. You should see a blue triangle-shaped switch near the corner of the walls. This is the switch that you need to pull. When it turns reddish-orange, the door has been unlocked. Your view will then change to "camera mode" and you will see a bunch of Troopers run through the big door. Their Officer has Key #2. These rooms have power-ups, but don't do anything exceptionally important. Hope this helps.

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thanks i`ll try it, but i did tried to pass the level three times and i found only the key to the control room upstairs and there is nothing there.

if there are another sudjestions i`ll gladly read them.


the level is Baspin_platfrm

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I'll try and draw a rough map of the control room. This is the control room that's up the elevator and has a Reborn in it. This is not to scale




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+--+ is the door

x is about where I believe the switch to be


The switch looks like the one you used to lower the elevator for the R5 unit at the beginning of Bespin Streets.


It's kind of like this:


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