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Too much whining in here...


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Geez, you guys sure do complain a LOT about different aspects in multiplayer. As far as I'm concerned this game's multi is way better than any other multiplayer portion of any game out there (not including squad based stuff like CS or Tribes.) Don't like it when people grip and drain you? Grip and drain them back. Offended when people don't 'bow' before a duel? Screw them, stop being a puss, and carve 'em up. Raven blessed us with this game and you guys are picking it apart WAY too much. I would much rather be trying to fend off someone's heavy stance or be force pushed off of a ledge than stand in a small room watching people jump around shooting rockets at each other over and over. C'mon guys, IT'S JUST A GAME.

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Originally posted by Grets Sirob





Truly a child of the ninties...


I think the whining problem would be fixed by a simple attitude change. It seems too many people believe they know all there is to know because they look good swishing the lightsabres around. Instead of nicely asking for solutions for their problem, they assume nothing can be done and we cop an earful (or eyeful).

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Geez, you guys sure do complain a LOT about different aspects in multiplayer. As far as I'm concerned this game's multi is way better than any other multiplayer portion of any game out there (not including squad based stuff like CS or Tribes.)

......Are you on bad-crack!? -UT Mp is by far the best MP engine/netcoding to ever grace the PC! -Also, UT2003 and especially UNREAL2 will revolutionize PC FPS gaming as we know it!!!!:D


-However, I do agree with you on the whining part. This forum has 90% too much kiddie whining,complaining, and flaming! -Freakin' ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::rolleyes:

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in Germany we've got a saying

"Der Ton macht die Musik."


It means that the way you talk about things/problems has a great influence on how other people react on what you've got to say.


I guess the problem in many of threads here is, that people see a problem with the game balancing, the way people behave or whatever and start commanding everyone to do as they want.

When someone criticizes those people they often get offensive.


In my opinion there are many things that could be improved in this (really great) game.

But if I find a problem, at first I've gotta look at myself to see if I might be the problem.

The I post it here, see how people react and together we might find a solution that suits everyone or at least many of us.

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Originally posted by TCPVIP

UT? Sure, I've played it on my PS2 :) C'mon, the Flechette (sp?) Cannon is the only thing that ties JKII to UT. Net code? Anyone remember when Unreal I came out? Ut dosen't have lightsabers...


The guy wasnt making any comparrisons between UT and JK2 at all so why are you.


Unreal Tournament is THE definative Multiplayer FPS every games publisher should be looking at this game for inspiration.


Unfortunately after 2 and a half years it is becoming old hat, thats why I am here, for something different, something to pass the time until UT2003 comes out, and I found this Jem of a game.


If someone would just take note of UT different game modes and produce something similar for JK2 it would be outstanding. In particular JK2 requires Oblective Style Gameplay, it has none at all.



Put it this way ... Something needs to be done pretty damn quick or its gonna join the ranks of the also rans.

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in english we've got a saying as well. "SHUT THE **** UP!"


Hm, It's not exactly the same meaning, but still it's one of my favourites. If I would have gotten a dollar for everytime I used it, I sure would have heaps of dollars ;)


I would even add someting to that phrase:


If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the f*** up!


Or maybe even the quote the movie "The big Lebowski":

"Shut up, Donny, you're out of your element!"



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What I think is this, there is a difference between whining and critiscism.


the problem is too many people whine, and too few people really think enough to even understand the word critiscism let alone think before they talk... (and yes I can't spell for ****, sorry but I can't :(


so what is whining?




We need a saberist code so that nobody can take advantage of me while my saber is off!!!


What isn't whining?


the other day while playing this awesome game, my experience was kind of darkened by the fact that this guy was spamming this move over and over that I hear is called (insert force power, weapon type or style here).


I don't mind that being in the game, but I think this game has balancing issues, anyone else think so? great game so far by the way.




Last night some guy did a DFA attack and I stubbed my pinky toe in the saber he had stuck into the ground, and was clearly not moving anymore, and I flew back ten feet and died instantly, even though the DFa move was obviously over!


I think this game needs to get the hit correction fixed in a patch so this kind of stuff doesn't happen, it's kind of a silly bug, and is being exploited like MAD! LOL.




I think (insert saber style, force power, weapon whatever) needs better balancing because:



all of these examples are not whining. to me whining is unthought out, silly emotional spats... not simply complaints about obvious errors.


The people who whine are annoying sure they are, I'd join you in a posse to round em up any day of the week...


but you know what? why do you take such great offense at people who don't like the same thing you do?


what I'm trying to say is, if someone has a problem with the game, and discusses it, in a non emotional way, or non insulting way, why flame him and jump all over them like they said your mom didn't pay them last night for services rendered?


I know I am forgetting that most people who play these games these days are less than half my age (child of the 80's... or something...), and thus don't have as highly developed senses of interpersonal relationships, but that still doesn't account for whining on both sides of the fense...


what we need is mroe discussion, about game flaws AND perks, there is a fine line thogh between discussion and whining... make sure you know the difference... there IS a difference...


If you think I am whining I don't really care, to me you are the whiner because you can't take my opinion like an adult...


the intelligent people here will see what I am trying to say I think... I'm not sticking up for the whiner, but I'm not saying it should be open season on people who think some things could use improvement in the game either.


Has all the possible flaws of the game been mentioned before? I doubt that they haven't been talked to death by now, but that doesn't matter.


hopefully without offending anyone let me illustrate.


Aside from racial/nationality biggots, does anyone here think that the American colonists where whining when they revolted against the brits?


Now I know this is just a game, but if nobody has the balls to mention an error or bug, or some game imbalance, it's hard to say if Raven would notice them. sure maybe they don't come to the forums, but who knows!


the point is, burn whiners at the stake, not people reporting game imbalances, or bugs in a rational manner... If you do that, I'll be the one tying the whiner to the pole... every time... thats my job, thats what I do...

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1


in english we've got a saying as well. "SHUT THE **** UP!":D


is that how you say that in germen?;)



Nope it isn´t. It´s rather like: "Halt verdammt nochmal Deine Fresse". :D


But back to the topic.

I think a lot of players out there are behaving like spoiled brats.

These people haven´t learned to lose, to analyze their mistakes, to honor the achievement/skills of others, to admit their own faults, to see other people as their equals and to be patient etc etc.

This results in complaining about some minor flaws in the game and about the gaming behaviour/attitude of their opponent.

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