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Can't Enter Computer Codes in Level 1...


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I keep pressing the USE button when I get to the main array of computers where that big bridge thingy is right? Well the symbols won't change... I don't know what other buttons I should be pressing but I can't get it to change at all. HELP!

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how do I call Jan? all I know is Jan is in the Green zone right now and she's sitting in front of the computer thingy there... I've gotten all 3 codes and just need to enter them however the main array is being unresponsive. I've already gotten through basically teh whole level I just need to enter these codes and finish it... how do I turn on the main array?

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OK, I might not be right because I can't remember the first level very well but...


OK, go into one of the door pathways with the imperial or rebel sign on it (Forgot which one) and go through the door and somewhere through the pathway will be a flashing blue computer screen (the rest and just steady blue with black markings), press the "Use" button on the flashing blue screen and you will automatically call Jan to come and take a look at it... While she's coming to you to crack the codes some troopers are tracking her down, she will call you to kill them for her, she will be near the large trash bucket type robot in that big room with large crates...

Kill off the troopers and guide her back to the flashing screen to check it out... Then she will later turn on the main array I believe. You will also need to turn on the controls in both of the Rebel & Imperial signed doors to turn the array's code enterer's online...


I might not have been very specific and maybe some small details I left out but I'm pretty sure you will be able to figure it out by what I said...


I finished this level without any help or the use of a walkthrough and found it quite easy...

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