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Stuck on 1st level


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Hey all.........I am stuck not too far past the area where you enter the blue, green, and red codes into the main computer. That is the end of the 1st part.


I am stuck in the next area where there is a room with a frozen center area. There are...I beleive 4 cylinders on the perimeter. You jump in the (Ice) I guess..and go thru the door....hit a couple switches down there and come back up. The Vents have stopped blowing the cold air and it looks as if the cylindrs are flashing now.


....and from there I am stuck.


Any help..I would really appreciate it.

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What you want to do here is the following:

Go up to the level where the four cylinders are.

From there, you can see that you can actually walk on the edge...very carefully. You want to go through one of the window type things without a cylinder in it, get onto the edge. From there, you will see a big protruding thing with a big arm that comes out from the middle of the whole thing. The arm extends to one section of the circle. Walk to that, get onto the arm, turn around, and you will see that you can jump up about four steps onto another level. From there you can walk across a platform with a door at the end. This will take you to where I am stuck :) Hope that helps.


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