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Where is Desann???


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I'm in that lvl where ur suposed to meet Desann for the first time. destroyed those 2 cannons yet & thats when Jan tells u shes gonna land in the valley.


well so i get over there and take the lift up to the platform where the shuttle is. and thats it. nussing happens, nobodys there, nobody poppin up to fight me.


wtf am i sposed to do?? is there some trigger ive got to pull or door that leads to the shuttle and/or Desann/jan??



PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE help ppl i'm desperate by now :o

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no its just you got to go back to where the AT-STs hangar is, go up, pass by the destroyed cannons, enter the AT-ST repair bay (whatever) and find the formerly closed door now open.


i mean, what kinda brain designed these levels??? :mad:

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Ok, you've gone through the door that was locked, and if you keep on going you should reach an arch, and keep going through and you'll see the ravens claw and you will then get a cutscene, and then you'll get to the next level!


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hey the lvl is piece o cake if u know that ur NOT suposed to go right towards the shuttle. why would anybody do that anyway?


i mean, its kinda logical going back to where the closed doors are and hope that one's gonna be open by now, without having pushed a button or anythin..



heck know the golden rule of bad uninspired lvl design? "go down the hallway least likely to take u anywhere and get away from where u want to go as far as u can. theres gonna be the solution" murphy, isnt it


(thnx ppl anyway i appreciate yer help)

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At some stages of this game I'd love to be able to pull a Qui-Gon and just jam my saber into a door and melt the sucker open.


Deformable terrain like that will REALLY make the next generation of games a lot more fun. I mean, you're a JEDI for God's sake...you're telling me you can't slash open a door just because some peon Imperial Officer has a security card you don't have?


Now, if it were a Force field covered door, that would be another thing....or Cortosis laced...or had a repelling field (like Fyaar's shield knocked you back)...


For that matter, on this level, you've got access to a damned Shuttle, why not get in that and fly it back and forth looking for the Raven?

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