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Vid problems


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I've tried going through as much of this board as possible but I saw no remedies to my problems, just keep seeing that people are having the same ones.


The Yavin cutscene where the Raven's Claw is flying through space does not play smoothly, as a matter of fact it goes frame by frame, even missiing a lot of the movie.


Load times after I die in game are long, sometimes not at all.


Multiplayer: I don't play MP games, I just use the MP game against computer opponents to work on lightsaber skills, or at least I thought I would do that. When I load the multiplayer portion of the game up, I get the game menu and set up before hitting play. When I do finally hit play, the game comes up, BUT I can't even read the menu, words are blurred out to the point yo ucouldn't try to read them.

One other problem with MP I just found out when trying again:

After the "Starting up..." message the game crashed to my desktop.


Update: i turned everything low or off except GL Extensions (for some reason when I turned that off the game would keep crashing or freeze up permanently). MP worked fine after that but it would be nice to play with a bit better graphics, and the single player problems above (Yavin cutscene and load problems) still remain. Thanks



750Mhz Athlon


Voodoo3 vid card (tried to install a GeForce2 64MB card but it doesn't work yet)



yes I have all the latest drivers, still nothing.

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What motherboard are you using? I had video problems with my Thunderbird 750 on the A7V mobo. After doing some research, I updated the motherboard bios which fixed/tweaked the AGP strength. I've found that running the AGP at 2x power seems to run all the QuakeIII style games ( RCTW,MOHAA,Jedi ) just fine now.


A7V mobo - Bios version 1009

AMD 1.1Ghz TBird CPU

GeForce2 MX400 64MB ( Jaton )

SoundBlaster Live! Value

56k Modem

Netgear 10/100 NIC

20GB Western Digital ATA100 HDD




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It's your Voodoo card that causing all the problems :( I had the exact same issues. I ended up visiting ebay and picking up a GeForce 2 Ti. The game seems better already. Until you get your GeForce card working right, you can download and install the WickedGL demo drivers from http://www.wicked3d.com


Once you download and install the WickedGL demo. Go into the JK2 game data folder (or search in windows) and look for the JK2SP.EXE file. Rename it QUAKE3.EXE (only temporary). Then run the WickedGL Control panel. Open the JK2 Game Data folder in the right panel, then select QUAKE3 from the left panel and click on the install button. Once this is done, rename QUAKE3.EXE back to it's original name of JK2SP.EXE.


Most of your problems should now be solved. The game will still not be 100%, but it will be a WHOLE lot better than it is now until you can replace your Voodoo card.


Hope this helps.

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Everything's solved. I bought a new GeForceII card last weekend, installed it and all the problems were fixed. The cutscenes are smooth, the load times are quick AND the graphic/sound detail is fully maxed out....now I can definately say this is truely a bad ass game.

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