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So, after much trial and error, I actually got a model to compile and show up in modview. Here should be all the proof you need.

Just fyi it's ~70k.




And just to clarify, that's the lower half of the gladiator model recently released for Q3. It has a full skeleton (well the lower half at least), no tags, no LODs, and a simple walk animation which does work. Now, as far as the process used to get it to work, I have to iron it out and refine it, but it was fairly straight forward. All I used was max 4, standard bones, the skin modifier, and assimilate. Actually, the hardest thing to get working was assimilate, It's a little picky about settings.


I did try to get it in the game by doing a "testmodel models/players/gladiator/model.glm" but it kept crashing even when i tried a different model such as kyle. Not sure if thats my system or if its a bug. Could somebody try it and let me know if it worked.


I'd like to start a FAQ or tutorial on this process. Any help is welcome and gladly encouraged.

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