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Superman cape screenshots


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The cape will be available soon, i have been busy working so not much time to spare but im working on a skeleton for the cape so when the wind hits it or you jump then the cape moves and waves about.




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ahh yes my super saber ......im trying to do what you said make it a seperate saber now this can be done in 2 diffrent ways ...make a seperate folder called super cape then put everything from the main saber folder into my super saber folder then pack it into a pk3 file then load and what you should see there is ten diffrent sabers all the same 5 from default and an extra 5 for super saber





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Dude . . .I had a GREAT idea. How about instead of saying it will be out tomorrow and then not releasing it "tomorrow" . . . how about you try this, don't set a release date until you can actually release it on time. I don't know about everyone else but I think that is a good idea.

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Amzing work !! You seem to really know your stuff!


I am a newbie skinner myself, and have ran into a couple nasty problems...if I were to send a .pk3 or 2 to ya would you possibly please help me fix them on your off time? If not whatever, no biggy, just trying to get my skins off the ground.

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Originally posted by D.L.

I don't think he should be able to fly.


Once Force Jump is at full, it's fine.


Cannot wait for this skin.


Will it be a combined download (saber and skin) or seperate?


As I recall the very original Superman character couldn't fly, he could just simply leap like with force jump.



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I really like how the cape waves back and forth, adds to the *realism* of jedi outcast. its pretty cool that it waves back and forth... I can't even make a model much less new animations but if I can get someone else to make models to work with then I'm happy. And just curious... are you going to make any different skins along these lines or other themes? :jawa:jedijawa::crawler::jaw2::eets:

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NewBJedi . . . Superman could always fly dude . . . I don't think he did in the first comic though, but that was because he didn't quite have a hang of his powers. If you watch all 4 of the movies they are pretty acurate.

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I'll ignore the comment from zeek2304


yes i have been working on a batman, supergirl, buffy the vampire slayer, and robocop,


just been a bit busy with work

Will do some more over the weekend.





P.s Send me the skin m8 i'll take a look at it


I'll be happy to help.

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LOL that looks so funny seeing superman run around the massassi with a friggen SuperSaber in hand and a wavy cape.


Ahahaha what will they think of next.


But good job dude, looks great! Especially the "Super Saber!"



Does he come with a super flying ability, laser vision, cold breath, the ability to see through walls, and leap buildings in a single bound!? Well, the bounding part you can but you need Force Jump :)

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