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Vertex Editing?


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to vertex edit you press V, but be careful when editing brushes. brushes are easy to screw up w/ vert editing.


to make a hollow cylinder you have to make a cylinder inside another one and the inside one you have to invert the matrix (under the patch menu). thats should do it for you.



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try the key command of Control/Ctrl + T and that should thicken it. it asks you by how many units (youll see when i you get there what i mean). Experiement with units until you find one you like.


thicken is also in a menu but i dont recall what the menu name is. thats motor memory for you.


anyway give that a shot.



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dreamstation et al: yes. ive got icq, aim and msn. i also don't mind people using that to ask me questions. im on a little less frequently now that i dont have a fast internet connection, but when i'm on i'm available to help. my one request is that all tech questions be limited to ICQ. my number is 614575 (yeah im an old one). knock yourself out.


but not literally.



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