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JK2 Ded Launcher Ver 1.5


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Originally posted by JacenSolo2001

while running a server using this Launcher, is it possible to manually add bots from the console while I'm playing?


Yea, I did this the other day while playing.. you can do it from the dosbox console window but the info scrolls and makes it kinda hard so its easier to do it from the ingame window console.


while in the game, press ctr and ~ at the same time to drop down the console. type /rconpassword <yourpassword here> <press enter> then type /rcon addbot <bottname>


example: /rcon addbot ree-yees


you can get more info on the addbot command by typing /rcon addbot <enter> like skill level and such. I got all the bots names from the ingame server area.


Im seriously thinkin about adding bot support in future versions... just thinkin about it at this point tho ;)



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Originally posted by SsP45


So you also have DHCP being used? Do you have any ports open? I've heard from other message boards that for a JK2 server, you need port 28070 open... is that true? If it is, do you know how to open or to forward that port?


Heya .45 this is {DoS}$k!nh3@d (me suxxors at cs, but roxxors on jk][)... Now that we know who we both are...


The port will need to be opened on your firewall if you have one. Is this on your work network or home pc? Do you or does your work run a firewall in between the 'net and that pc? If so I would open up both UDP ports 28070 and 28071.


Also, do you start the server with a batch file, or do you run the straight exec?


I had similar problems getting my a-nation.com Jk][ server up. It's all good now.

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Hey, didn't think I would see anyone from 'my' CS server here. Here's my problem: I have a cable modem going into a Pentium 120Mhz computer, which has 2 NICs in it. This thing sorta acts like a router. The cable modem goes into one of the NICs, while the other goes out to a small 8-port hub I have. I don't have any firewall, but the way it's set up with the 2 NIC computer, I can't host a server for any game out there. I'm not sure why, but nothing (except the Internet) can leave my LAN and get out onto the internet. Usually if I do a search for a LAN server I will find it, even if I specified Internet server.


I think I need to open up those ports mentioned before, but I don't know how to without a router. Is there something inside Windows Networking that would allow me to open up the required ports, or an external program to do it?


EDIT, I'm using the 5.1 JK2 Launcher mentioned above in a bunch of the previous posts.

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