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Simple way of beating Desann


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or you can use Force Speed and use the heavy attack, and he goes down in 2 hits, i did it without him even hitting me or using force, he only took 1 swipe which i dodged and hit him and then he died. :D

He was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy, Tavion was the hardest

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I agree! Desann was too easy. Once I realized how mean he was I just stayed away from him as he chased me and when I got next to the pillar I knocked it down and it fell on him! Too easy. I do have a question though. On the upper walkway there is a button on the wall that u can push. What does it do?

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actually you can pull it, and it has a twin directly opposite it, if you pull them both a big red beam comes down in the middle, and if you jump through the beam you become invincible for a short while (10 or 15 seconds). If you fight Desann long enough the Beam reappears for further use...

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