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Solo twins

Jemek Sunns

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I was doing a looking rummaging through the assets0 pack, and noticed something rather interseting. Two of the bot files listed are Jacen and Jania, as in the son and saughter of Han and Leia. I have not seen these as selectable characters in multi, is it possible that they might just be some of the Jedi bots at the Jedi Academy?

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There were a lot of these unused bots in there, and I don't think they really intended to use them...they could have just been put in there as references for people. A few of the chat lines are kinda funny...like Wedge's classic lines of "Look at the size of that thing!" and "I can't shake him!" I personally got a chuckle out of Yumi's lines, some of which were simply ^_^ and ^_^;;


Thing is, you could put Yumi's bot on a server, and people probably wouldn't realize it was a bot...I mean, with response greetings like "Hey (person's name)" and whatnot, it really seems like a normal player. I *think* all you'd need to do is make a .bot file of it...the .jkb looks to be perfectly intact. Hey, think I'll try that...


Whoa, I just noticed that Kyo's .jkb file, while very skimpy, has it set so he has level 3 of every force power...think I'll try that too just to see if it actually works.

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