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Um...SP Dismemberment. And Stuff

Guest Shadowen

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Guest Shadowen

So I'm playing Jedi Outcast for the first time, anticipating getting the lightsaber so I can hack the bad guys to pieces. I do, and it is good. The hum, the glow, the power--everything. So I try to hack some aliens up.


Arm. (That happened in the first game. Hmm...)

Hand. (Ah. Better.)

Other arm. (Another improvement!)

Other hand. (Hurray!)

Arm. (What?)

Hand. (Okay...)


Once I finished the game, I realized I had not seen a single de-limbing other than arms or hands, and not a single decapitation or cutting in half. Call me sadistic, but I was looking forward to collecting those nifty stormtrooper helmets, ya know? It's such a bother to take the whole corpse home with you. So I naturally assumed Raven had stuck to the arms.


Then I come here and I read all this stuff about hacking people up multiple times as they're dying, and decapitations, and I'm pissed. Do I really suck that much with a lightsaber? What do I have to do to fully dismember these people?


If it's as simple as setting the realisticlightsaber variable higher, then fine, but if it's not...

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It is just a matter of using the realistic sabre code in console. There is not a non-console way to do it thats been posted in the forums so I assume its only able to be done in console.


I think it is... g_realisticsabercombat "1" ? But I am probably wrong. I forgot what it is lol. Nice timing for my brain to be mind tricked hey?


If you know the code, just bind two keys to the code (one for realistic sabres on and the other for off)


Sorry I couldnt help much.

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Guest Shadowen

Not a problem. I have the parameters written down; I just didn't know if that was wat I needed to try. No point in making the game easier if you don't make it more fun at the same time.

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Actually that's wrong...There is another way to do it without relying on the realistic saber command OR the console. You can just edit the npc.cfg file and change each NPC's dismemberment variable to a higher number....And wouldn't you know it but somebody has already done this for you....Check the mods section of the file database for enyak_mutilate.pk3....It works great and doesn't change the damage characteristics of the saber. There is also another console command that increases dismemberments without changing damage, unlike the "realistic saber" command....It's up to you what to use but personally I would download the enyak_mutilate.pk3 mod.

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Wow, I love this dismemberment console command!

It looks so realistic, I think it shouldv'e been like this in the first place.

Although I can see why Raven wouldn't want it turned on as a default - watching poor Kyle get hacked in two by Desann is really kind of harsh :)


BTW, Nice forum you guys have here :)

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This is posted in another thread here. This seems to be the simplest way to do it.


In you "base" directory create a text file called




in that file put the following 2 lines:


seta helpusobi1 "1"

seta g_saberRealisticCombat "1"


restart the game, and it is turned on by default. No NCP.cfg files to mess up, no console commands.


The g_saberRealisticCombat apparently has possible values from 0-99. 0 = the default. at 99, who knows. You probably look at them and they explode! :-)


Look through the threads here. THere is also a "blood mod" that will spew a somewhat realistic amount of blood out when you hit someone too. Not too much, not too little. The thread has some screen shots in it.



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g_dismemberment 5


Lets you hack anything off, and doesnt do some of the "I touched you with my saber, you die" stuff that g_saberrealisticcombat does


Lets you hack off: the hands the forearms (half way) the arms (at the shoulder) the head, the torso (horizontally in half), the leg, the knee and the foot. A total of 16 peices I beleive.

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Guest Shadowen

*searches for hours in the mod section, finding nothing*


Oh, for...!


I'm a retard. Someone, please, give me a link.

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Guest Shadowen

It does what the code does without changing the lightsaber's overall damage. I cannot find the "mod database" everyone refers to. It's not at jediknightii.net, it's not at massassi.net...

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I think its alot like the movies in the default mode man! It seems in the movies only 1 thing will ever get cut off, hands, arms, and weapons (cut in half).


You see luke constantly wacking people like on Jabba's yacht, and nothing ever gets cut off, they just scream and fall down. Either that or they lose an arm (Luke in TESB, Vader in RTJ, and that wierd guy in the Cantina in ANW).... But no one seems to get cut in half (except for Darth Maul and Ben, but ben just disapeared!)...

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Guest Shadowen

T'ank youse.


By the way, I probably screwed it up somehow, but the other methods just didn't seem to work for me.


Ah, well.

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