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Um...SP Dismemberment. And Stuff

Guest Shadowen

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i downloaded the mod and put the npcs.cfg into the windows/temp folder. and i did type:



]g_dismemberment 9


when i chk g_dismemberment, it said "9", thus i think i did set it up to 9. But all the time, I only cut the arm.....


what did i do wrong? thks

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First of all why did you put the npc.cfg file in windows/temp????


DON'T unpack the pk3 file!! Put the enyak_mutilate.pk3 file in GameData\Base.


Second of all with the modified Pk3 file you don't need any console commands...The npc.cfg file takes care of the changes.


Third of all, even if you do use console commands, you don't need the helpusobi 1 command because the dismemberment command is NOT a cheat (although the realistic saber IS a cheat and so you would need the helpusobi 1 command)

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I completely disagree with some of you guys. I think the "g_saberrealisticcombat 1" is the only way to go, and they should have included it in multiplayer. The fact that you can hit someone in multiplayer 10 times with a saber and they run off is stupid. Yes, I know its all for fun, but give me a break. To be true to the Star Wars Universe, a saber cuts through skin, bone, cloth and even steel (Episode 1: Qui-Gon cutting through the blast doors, and Obi-Wan cutting Darth Maul in half).


Try this - download the ladder map, turn on saber realism, and I promise you will have a blast!


This is what multiplayer should be like - mp'er combat would be far more exciting and more thoughtful than someone running nonstop swinging wildly with heavy attacks.

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We are not disagreeing with that...But we ARE saying that it is cheating...IE it changes the damage modelling of the saber making kills much easier. If you don't mind that then use it....If you want to still stick to the damage modelling as put in the game by default then I wouldn't recommend using it.

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