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Resolution Not Fitting Screen

|HfH|Tsavong La

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I am sorry if this has been addressed (i wrote a ts guide for mohaa, and know how annoying that is)...but with ppl posting with thread titles such as:


"I want an answer for my video problem now'


'help' and such, I have been unable to find anything.


I recently installed windows xp..the desktop theme i use fits on my monitor at 1024x768 nicely.


However when I go into a game the screen is positioned down and to the right about a 1/4 inch.


I changed resolution to all available settings and it just adjusts it within that same space, meaning always 1/4 inch off.


Sys Specs


Amd Tbird 1.333ghz

Radeon 8500

Hercules Game Theater XP sound

512k DDR 233 Ram

80 gig HD


All drivers (mobo included) updated and as well as all XP updates.


If I have not provided enough information, forgive me, it is late and I just got done formatting about 5 times :p


Thanks in advance

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You have to adjust your monitor....Your game is probably switching the monitor refresh rate away from that you use for the destop (and it definately is since your using XP), which would require you to re-adjust the monitor for that refresh rate. You have to set the monitor for EVERY resolution & refresh rate that you use....Most monitors also have memories to remember the settings so you only have to set it once.


You can also check into refresh rate fixes which would allow you to set the refresh rate back to the same as is used by your desktop

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