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Anti-Piracy planned for next patch?


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Originally posted by MankaCat


you advocate no-cd as both a tool for convenience for owners and piracy for non-owners. But you fail to see that a pirate can have a cd too 'burned copy' and the most common and most damaging form of piracy is when an owner lends out his copy, which gives that person an actual cd as well

you dont need the actual CD. Just download the image and use daemon-tools to mount the virtual CD image.


But this is all beside the point. The authentication piece of Q3 was never instituted in this game. I think lucasarts wasnt willing to pony up the cash for this. Or it was removed so lamers can use the zone.


Either way its not there and none of you should feel sorry for the developers. If they were concerned or if raven actually had a say in it, the autentication scheme would be in there. To date according to graeme divine(im not spelling that right probably) from iD software no one has succesfully cracked the Q3. The Q3 master server approach IS used in SoF2, a Raven only game. Which leads me to beleive Lucas either said no or didnt want to pay.

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OFN. Yes, the CD key was left out because Lucasarts decided to leave it off due to some customer service concerns.

However, Raven did make some cryptic remarks to some warez users regarding their use of the software.


I'll be interested to see how many people will be able to play after they update to the next version.

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I dont know how they will or if they can stop the illegitimate people at this stage in the game.


Without a CD key or some form of authentication, im not sure how they can stop people. Requiring the CD is easily bypassed. Unless there is an included 'file' of some sort on every CD that is unique. But that is easily bypassed as well.


I think they should do whatever they can though. If you warez a game, play it, like it, and dont buy it. Then youre scum and should be drug into the street and stoned to death. :fett:

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i don't advocate using warez, so no flaming me for that!


however, i seriously doubt there is anything that can now be done to prevent those users from playing. I mean, you can't institue the key check now, no one would have keys! and that leaves what to prevent warez users from playing online????

code changes? well i'm sure the warez version will update just fine, as it is a 1:1 copy, right? so....they won't do anything, just like no other company has done anything after release either. so let's waste no more time over a discussion that will go no where....


my $0.02



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its somewhat funny to hear people talk about warez on this forum. theres a very clear cut line between those who are knowledgeable and people who are clearly blathering about something do not understand at all. in case you haven't noticed, there is a big difference between what's morally right and what's technically legal. i preordered the game, but downloaded it early. that's right, i did. raven got my money because they deserved it, and did i great job on this game. but i wanted to play it early, so i downloaded an iso... is that technically illegal, yes. is it morally wrong and does anyone care, no.


for christs sake, that guy flaming the dude for doing the same thing is a moron. its not our fault that you don't know how to do the same thing, and we got to play it a week early while you stared at your mailbox. im a software developer myself, and i can tell you right now that playing a game and not buying it makes you a dick. but as long as raven gets support, and i get to play the game, i don't see what the problem is.


as for no-cd patches, these are used to a great extent by legit software owners...i have dozens of games that ive purchased all over my desk, and if you think i want to hunt down a cd every time i want to play one, you're nuts. any cd protection would have been cracked in 2 minutes and just annoyed legit users (or stopped some from getting to play, in the case of cdkeys.) some people are losers who d/l games and never pay...but guess what, you can't do anything about it. just know that you paid for yours and play guilt free. put away your junior anti-piracy deputy badge and join the rest of us in the real world.


oh yeah, better delete all those mp3's sitting on your harddrive as well. you theiving bastard. hehehe.

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Want someone to flame guys? Flame me, yes flame me, I tried to pirate Jedi Knight 2 Outcast 2 hours ago, yes me, guess what, It didn't work, and I sort of regret it. All the work these people put and people just steal it, like someone getting a new bike they worked so hard for and just buying it before the person gets it, or stealing a project from someone and then giving your self all the credit, it is horrible and I am sorry for attempting it, it is my first time. Sorry.

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no offense mr kurgan but i mean come on wtf. clogging the servers? jk2 isnt exactly tearing it up in the number of people online category. i agree raven deserves all the money they can get BUT. I dont think it was ravens call on this game. LucasArts, if worried, could have easily licensed the Q3 authentication scheme. I mean for christ's sake there isnt even a CD key for JK2.


An after purchase patch IMO is no place for including some sort of piracy prevention. That should be in the retail release or not at all. Dont waste time trying to patch in this stuff when you could be working on more game content.


just my $.02


None taken. When I say "clogging the servers" that's what I mean. I don't mean to sound elitest here, but who are these people?


They are the ones bragging and posting spoilers before anyone else had the game.


They are the ones endlessly whining about how they can't beat a certain section or can't figure out something, that they would know about already if they owned the game (and had read the manual).


They are the ones who are impatient and whine about the game in general.


They are the ones who cheat because they are bored.


What does it matter to them? They got the game for free, and it required no effort on their part. Instant gratification.


And, I know what's going to be said..


"well so and so (or I myself) pre-ordered the game, then I downloaded a copy because it's ethical and they got my money and I'm a devoted fan etc"


"I warez because (fill in reason) and I buy games I like etc etc"


Doesn't matter why you do it, the point is, it's against site policy to promote it, like it or not. These debates never go anywhere anyway, the con side will always have an advantage as long as we're officially anti-pirate.


jk2 isnt exactly tearing it up in the number of people online category.


Compared to what, Half Life? I see quite a few people playing online, I think that says something. I was saying that I don't need warez kiddies playing alongside me in games, that's all I'm saying.


I dont think it was ravens call on this game. LucasArts, if worried, could have easily licensed the Q3 authentication scheme. I mean for christ's sake there isnt even a CD key for JK2.


Maybe so. We don't know the real reason. I wish they had. That would have meant I wouldn't have to had play next to these jag-offs. ; p


Think of it this way.. what if you waited in line to see Star Wars Episode 2, and you paid ahead of time and got great seats etc, and you paid full price for tickets, way in advance.


So you show up and this big group of loud, obnoxious people budges ahead of you in line, and sneaks into the theatre, pays nothing and sits right in front of you at the movie. They talk during the film and make a general annoyance of themselves, but they don't get thrown out of the theatre.


They get up and leave just before you do and you hear them whining about how the movie "sucked."


Wouldn't that kind of ruin the experience for you? That's how many of us see the whole piracy of JK2. I know that the lack of a cd key is partially to blame, but the other part is the ease that pirates have of distrbuting stuff, and the care-free attitude people have about it.


Yeah, I know, "it can't be stopped" and a free game is too hard to pass up for many many people. But there's a reason why it's resented on a fan site like this. I don't want my tax dollars to go to arrest people for copying games, but I just would like people to show a little respect to the developers and their true fans, for a change.

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