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Seperate Threads for Maps / Skins / Etc


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Am I the only one who feels that this section of the forums should be split up now?


It would make it a lot easier for people to find info if we had seperate threads for Mapping, one for Modelling / Skinning, one for Mod recruiters, Sound Editors...


Well I'm sure the Admins could think of more anyway, then you could have a general section for general editing chat or whatever.


Come on people! Make yourselves heard!


Whadda we want?

ANOTHER DRINK!! (and split up editing threads)

When do we want it?



:fett: Chris Carter :fett:

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i agree, this should be broken up into maps, skins, models, etc. That way its would be much easier to find the things your looking for. IE: if you need help with placing somthing in a map, you would go to the maps section. Wanting to show off your latest skin, it would be in the skin section.

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