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Stuck need help!


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Hi, I'm having trouble killing the at st (level 15, cairn assembly). I runt out from the little door and go to the left hangar where I pick up the DEMP and some thermal detonators. Then I try to destroy the at st but after I have emptied all my weapons it's still alive(Yes I use the sabre to). If I make a run for the other hangar with the troopers it follows me and it get's even worse having to battle it along with troopers and turrets.


What am I doing wrong here?

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First, I know it sounds silly and rude, but you need to make sure you hit it. I've tried shooting at these things before and missed when I thought I'd hit. You'll know that you hit it because it will look like it's got sparks coming off of it. (Kind of like you do when you get hit by electricity). You also have to hit it with an explosive device or something that affects electrical objects. For AT-STs, especially this one, I like the DEMP gun. It should only take between 3-4 hits to kill the thing. So, I have no idea why your ammo has been depleted and the thing is still up. Just try these things and it should work.

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