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My first Jedi Knight map (Screenshots inside)


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This is my first map made with the jk2radiant, but I have worked some with q3radiant and worldcraft before.

My goal with this map was to create the best imaginable duel map (high ambition, I know:), at least in for myself to play and enjoy. :)

What i think is missing from raven's duel maps is a tight and intense stage, where you can push your opponent over the edge.

So with this simple idea in mind I started developing this soon-to-be-finished duel map. Basically the map is a cylinder with a bridge spnning across it. Simply this wouldn't really cut it for a "real" duel map, so I decided make a octagon center of the bridge, and then make breakable glass around to whole damn thing :) (with solid floor and roof of course). So, as long you run around with you saber holstered you're safe, but when you start whackin for your opponent you must watch yourself not to fall down into oblivion :). imagine chokeing someone, bring them over the ledge and releasing them, I think it will rock! :)

So, by judging from the screenshots, do you think this will be a fun map to play, does it look good/ugly, does the textures/lightning cut it?

Plz, comment away!!

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Looks nice- two things though that I would improve:


1. Make the bottom of even lower- perhaps with some fog above it so you cannot see it actually

2. With force-grip level3 you could actually fry your opponent REAL fast. (Try to strangle him and then move your mouse fast to aim for one of the windows: He'll be flying through the glass... same thing could happen with a good-aimed force-push (but that is more difficult me thinks)...


So I would make the glass VERY strong- elsewise duels will be over even faster and it could only be a challenge who hits the grip-button first...

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Thanks for the goop tips, if you'd play the map now and fall down, you wouldn't die, it's the last thing I'm going to fix before I release it, I think it's gonna be at lest 3 times as deep, since i hate the "death triggers" so much in singleplayer, you're actually gonna die of the looong fall :)


Good tip about the fog! :)

And yes, the glass is quite strong, I haven't decided HOW strong though

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Some problems have arisen in the final stages of this map...

I have made the glass breakable, and put glass debris model, but still, when I get break the glass all I get is fruity colors... How do I solve this?


I have also discovered that you can't die from one single fall, if I made the fall 200 meter (ingame it did 96 damage, if I made it 500 meters it would still do 96 damage... So I have to put a trigger or such at the bottom, could anyone help me to do this?

*greatful in advance*

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Instead of defining the glass as func_breakable define it instead as func_glass, you'll get a default sound everyone has and a much more realistic breaking effect as it relates to glass.


For the trigger, right click, go to triggers, trigger_hurt then put the brush how you want it, and then hit "n" this will bring up the entities window, under key type in "dmg" and then under value type in your damage number, setting it at -1 will result in "falling to your death" animation/sound/effect.


Aesthetically speaking I would put some piping or little doodads on the wall to give the level just a slight bit more visual touch. Other than that though, really great looking map.

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I don't know if you can add a health field or not for glass, one thing you could try doing though, is take the glass pane and put it in a thick frame of weapon clip, this would make it so breaking the glass would require a central strike to the center of the glass pane, thus giving the illusion of structural strength.

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Originally posted by Hubris

I don't know if you can add a health field or not for glass, one thing you could try doing though, is take the glass pane and put it in a thick frame of weapon clip, this would make it so breaking the glass would require a central strike to the center of the glass pane, thus giving the illusion of structural strength.


True, but can a weapon_clip be removed via a func_explosion? Otherwise once you shatter the glass, the empty space will still block blaster bolts.

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Originally posted by FuShanks


True, but can a weapon_clip be removed via a func_explosion? Otherwise once you shatter the glass, the empty space will still block blaster bolts.


I think you might be able to, in fact, almost positive, if you open up the kejim bsp that shipped with it take a look at the first event, the generator, and you'll see some pretty complex trigger examples the majority of which transfer to mp.


Good you pointed that out though, didn't occur to me to mention that. Even if he can't get the trigger work going the effect the weapon clip would have would be pretty minimal for the purposes of this level and dueling.

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Argh, I've been up alomst all night to finish this baby, and now the bsp is as good as complete!!

Check it out at:





As you can see, I've added six platforms by the windows to jump around on, and with a well-aimed force jump you can reach the lighting in the roof, and battle out there, so you are no longer limited to fihting on the bridge

The fall, if you step faulty, is now 6 seconds long for really make you regret your clumpsyness


The map will include music, but not bots, since the moron bots keep crashing down all the time, and originally this map was intended for online mayhem


It's not too late to comment on the design, texturing, lighting, etc. So plz, comment away!

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