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Excellent Tutorial for Radiant - Newbies to Radiant, this is a must!


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Posted this in the Valley in error


Basically it's not my tutorial bbut I found it extremely helpful. I can't remember the site I got it from and if you know tell me of I can put the link on the page.


I converted the tutorial from HTML files to .doc files for an easy download so you can work with them offline.


Total size of the tutorial is apprx 3megs though it is split up into apprx 8 different sections.





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No offence and Im not comming out and saying your a theif but why not just link to the originals instead? Im pretty sure you don't have permission to serv his tutorials in .doc format to the public. Pretty damn easy to copy and paste html into a doc. You still need permission. I mean if someone wanted them in .doc they could do it themselves or they could just go to file save as.



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*looks at the page*


*sees the link to the original*


*wonders what the **** this idiot is talking about*


I never have, nor ever will, claimed that this was my work. I converted his work, as plainly stated on the web page and on this thread to .doc format, so people could download his work easier than staying online and doing it there. Plus if you save the website, it floods you temp files with all the pics from the site. This is self-contained and is a useful utility for people who are new to Radiant. Plus I myself was using it at home and with the amount of people struggling with Radiant, I decided to help them as this was very helpful to me.


This tutorial was not compiled by the author of this webpage. I claim no responsibility for this tutorial or it's contents. All information in this tutorial is correct to the best of my knowledge. This is simply here for download in .doc format, as opposed to having online in HTML format. Good Luck.

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Originally posted by D.L.

*looks at the page*


*sees the link to the original*


*wonders what the **** this idiot is talking about*



Im talking about "permission", you dont have permission to "convert" jack. Are you stupid or something or do you feel the need to minimize theft? I was pretty nice at what I said. I think it is totally moronic to offer tutorials by other people "without" there permission in doc format. You ever heard of a link? Maybe next you'll put a couple of virus's in those docs. Makes no sence what so ever to serv someone elses webpage off of your site in doc format. Its that same as just ripping off his site. Now before you come back insulting me some more because you dont see what the big deal is i'm thinking about going to your page directly linking to your docs for download bypassing your site but i'll mention chris O'brien somewhere on my page. Would that make you happy?

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I'm not saying this to be anal.


But, if I were you (and this is just me), I would go through my entire site and decide what should be left up there and what should be taken down. And what should be credited.


The tutorial page is just a beginning; the 'credit' line underneath the picture (which should really give credit to Raven Software, considering the images you used) is extremely misleading.


Even the javascript on your main page is something I recognize as written by someone else... I've seen it for download. You don't include credits anywhere in the source.


Seriously, in the software industry (and especially the gaming industry), and the creative industry in general, people work very hard for the things they do. And they deserve credit, not only legally, but morally.


Your site doesn't seem, to me, as if it provides that obligatory and -deserved- courtesy.

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Now before you come back insulting me some more because you dont see what the big deal is i'm thinking about going to your page directly linking to your docs for download bypassing your site but i'll mention chris O'brien somewhere on my page. Would that make you happy?


Link to the docs by all means. Doesn't particularly concern me. Throw my name about if you wish, once again, doesn't concern me.


Maybe next you'll put a couple of virus's in those docs.


Damn. That's a good idea. Then maybe I can inset mind altering animation into the home page. Once again, world domination will be wthin my grasp. Or not.


Makes no sence what so ever to serv someone elses webpage off of your site in doc format.


It actually makes sense. You have to be online to view the tutorials. With the word docs, you can download them and there is no need to be online. I am currently looking for Bubbas email address, not listed anywhere on the site, so I can contact him, so if you have it, pass it along.


Now before you come back insulting me some more


I apologise. I thought you called me a thief.


Now for ethanbv


Thanks for the comments.

Regarding the JavaScript, I'm not sure. It was actually code of a friends site that he put together for me. I'll talk to him and give the appropriate credit to the author in my source. The PHP script was made by my friend and deserves no credit ;)



The tutorial page is just a beginning; the 'credit' line underneath the picture (which should really give credit to Raven Software, considering the images you used) is extremely misleading.


Didn't even think of this. I'll add it ASAP. I put credit for myself, as I made the banner.


The Games - Tetris should be credited in teh source. The rest are freeware downloads, credited in the prorams themselves, or else

my own work.


Music - Actually I have permission for these so no need to worry.


CAL Packs - Links of my college CAL Packs so I can find them easier.


Programming - All my own work.


Gif Images - Should be credited, and are to the best of my kno

wledge. These are probably getting deleted soon due to webspace.


If you know the author of that JS, tell me and I'll be happy to credit him/her. I'll leaving the tutorial up, as I found it, and I'm not alone in this, extremely useful, until the authoer asks me to take it down. Like I said earlier, I'm looking for the authors email, with no success so far.


You certainly weren't anal, just offered some advice rather than calling me a thief in your first line. That's a lovely way to start a post isn't it?

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But that said, I don't particularly want to get all bitter over this, I'm just helping people and a lot of people have been grateful for it, plus it has helped me to no ends.


Just checked my guestbook. How brave of you to sign without leaving your name.

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Originally posted by D.L.

Link to the docs by all means. Doesn't particularly concern me. Throw my name about if you wish, once again, doesn't concern me.


He means that you should link to the tutorial on his site, instead of to your docs.


It actually makes sense. You have to be online to view the tutorials. With the word docs, you can download them and there is no need to be online.


There is an option in your browser : make available offline


Didn't even think of this. I'll add it ASAP. I put credit for myself, as I made the banner.


I suggest you give credit to the author of the tutorial and get his permission. Unless you have it, I suggest you remove it.




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There is an option in your browser : make available offline


I know. The pics are stored in temp, rather than embedded plus they are often deleted once the Temp Net Files are deleted.


I suggest you give credit to the author of the tutorial and get his permission. Unless you have it, I suggest you remove it.


There is full credit for the author. On every doc at the very top it say Credit: Bubba and the link to his site. I have contacted Bubba and unless he says otherwise I am leaving it up.

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D.L. Well I appologize.. but man you called me an idiot. When I went to your site the first time there were no links and the only credit to me found was by Chis O'brien. I did assume it was for the lens flared photo though. Look, I and everyone else belive you "are" trying to help people, even if we think it is done in a rather odd way, we would probablly all say that you are "not" intentionally trying to rip a site. Also, I commend you on trying to give credit here after. I'm sure bubba would allow you to do what youve done...all I think we were saying is the fist step is you have too ask. That's all.



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I see you've all calmed down - this seems to get discussed (the whole permission to put stuff on your site thing) in every forum going. The general rule is: as long as its not purposefully mis-credited its OK - especially if the person puts it there doesnt know where its from. Generally, people are happy for their stuff to be distributed as long as it isnt credited to someone else - why else would they write a tutorial?

I think you are both justified in your opinions here. And the tutorial is worth viewing, too. ;)


PS Don't think you need credit for banner with ravens design - licensing works the same as star wars stuff, you dont need permission for any of your own work based on film stuff on condition the site is about star wars and you dont claim credit.

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