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Trigger to a Player


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I'm not entirely sure I understand your question, but all trigger settings are done through the entities window (N key). If "strg + k" means ctrl + k, then there is no difference between doing that to link something, or manually setting the target in the entities window. I don't exactly know what targetname would be given to the player, and I don't know what reason there would be for linking something to the player, so maybe if you posted what you were attempting to do, I could try to point you in the right direction. Hope this helps.

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I use the entity window to set up triggers and the like. It's the only way you can trigger multiple things from one trigger, since control K can only link two things.


I don't quite understand the other part of your question either.


I know you can do this:


info_playerstart ----> target_give ----> weapon_disrupter (or whatever it's called. I 'm not too familar with all of jk2's entities yet. ;) )


That would give the player a disrupter as soon as they spawn into the game. There really isn't anything you could be doing that would require you to link TO the player, but that's how you link from the player to another entity. You would just use target names like any other entity.


Oh, and you could kinda target the player via scripts in single-player, like if you wanted to give them something, or take something away... In that case, I think the player is known as 'Munro', a carry over from Elite Force, which JK2 was based on. ;)


Hope that helps.

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