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Stuck in Nar Shaddaa !!!


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I'm in Nar Shaddaa and have made my way to the very top, where the second broken bridge is. (jumped across, up to the secret place and back to the broken bridge yet)


Now, where am I suposed to go plz? (hell, raven should fire their leveldesigners)

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In the room after the bridge there is a water covered area, with a room with a window.

The water is electrified.

Through the window you can see that there is an electrical arc around some pipes and conduit. You have to get in that room, but there is no door. There is a rather large crate in the corner marked with explosive symbols....


Get into that room and saber or otherwise destroy the conduit with the electrical arc, that'll cut off power to the water that is electrified. You can now go to the door on the other side, but wait, it's locked!


Maybe your force powers can open it...

Try a few of those, and you'll be able to do something, but the door STILL won't open...


Maybe you can go up?

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what? i think im stuck at the same place but all i see is a broken bridge with no windows, water or anything. what room 'after the bridge'? On the level below that i can jump down to is a big grey locked door, but i cant find anything else. is there a walkthrough 2 the whole thing anywhere btw?

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k found the way on my own


@kingpin the thing is, you gotta go back to the roof with the 4 skylights and jump down on the other side of that roof. from there, you can jump on the hovering "car" and to a door. the rest is piece o cake (ask if ur stuck again ;) )

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