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Editing wireframes + takin' screenshots


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Howdy Ya'll, I be needin' some nfo,

I'm currently working on my first JKII skin: Samurai. looks pretty good so far, but it's really not going to be up to snuff unless I can learn how to put some 3d armor on the guy rather than paint it on the skin. Can someone help me out or point me to a tutorial that can do this?

It's also likely that whoever is reading this also knows how to take a frikin' screen shot in JKII, and also how to preview my skin in detail (on the wireframe)


Thanks for yer help!






Know thyself

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im not a modeler(actrually, im a bad mapper who's bored), but i'm pretty sure that "screenshot" is what takes a screenshot. If you mean in JO, try "screenshot silent" if you don't want it to say "Screenshot taken". Also, try setting cg_drawhud and cg_drawgun (or is it cg_drawweapon?) to 0.


If you don't mean that, oops.

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The screenshots should be .jpg files, each around 200kb. They are found in ...\JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\screenshots


You take a screeny when you enter "screenshot" in the console (without "") or "screenshot silent" if you don't want the text "screen0001.jpg taken" to appear on top left of the screen.

That should be the whole thing.

mapname.0 doesn't make sense to me, no idea, sorry. But i havn't have this problem.

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If you go to jediknightii.net there is a script there that allows you to cycle around your character in 3d (only on a cheat enabled server) and zoom in/out. TO activate it you must enable cheats by typing something like devmap ffa_bespin (or whatever level you want to test on). Once on the devmap loaded level, type exec modelview.cfg (or whatever you named the file)


This will turn on the script.

Obviously you should download t first though, so go to taht link above and do some looking through their file section...

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